Legal Talk on Consumer Protection Law

Legal Talk on Consumer Protection Law
12 mars 2019
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
CCI France Myanmar
0.00 USD for member 20.00 USD for non-member

On 26 April 2019, the Parliament will enact a new Consumer Protection Law in Myanmar. Its implementation is still vague for stakeholders concerned.

Hence, the aim of this presentation is to provide the current legal framework and to give an overview on the new provisions of Consumer Protection Law (2019). At the end, a discussion will occur about the potential changes induced by this reform.


Bibliography of Jean-François Giné

Jean Francois has received his Master degree in International Business Law from University of Burgundy in Dijon (France) and Anglia Ruskin University (United Kingdom).

Before coming to Myanmar, Mr. Giné worked as an in-house lawyer in France. In 2016, he started to work for local company. He is specialized in Compliance and in Contract, Corporate and Commercial Law. He works for MLR Legal Consultants Co., Ltd. as a legal consultant.

Mr. Jean-François Giné speaks English and French.

MLR Legal Consultants is a law firm that provides legal advice in Myanmar. The company has been founded by Dr. Rémi Nguyen who studied Myanmar Law for his Ph.D in Private Law and with U Tin Aye, a well-reputed Myanmar advocate and legal consultant based in Yangon. The company has the ambition to help local and foreign companies to develop businesses in their growth and manage their legal challenges.
