Asking The Right Questions

Asking The Right Questions
22 août 2021
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
0.00 USD for member 0.00 USD for non-member

We ask questions every day. But we have never thought about whether we are asking the right questions or not. If the question that you ask is not right, how can you get the right answer that you are seeking?

Asking the right question is not just language but it's a skill set that everyone should have. This webinar will able to show the gaps in knowledge and understanding and scaffold the development of understanding. You will discover the individual way of thinking and applying specific mindsets. You will also learn how to take control of the conversation if you ask the right questions and makes you more efficient in your daily workforce.

Therefore, in order to share the Questing and Answering approach Wall Street English is arranging an online Webinar in collaboration with CCI France Myanmar.
