Current Trends in Digital Transformation

Current Trends in Digital Transformation
18 octobre 2022
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Novotel Yangon Max

Integration of digital technology into all areas of your business will lead to getting your operations done more effectively. Digital Transformation is the change in the workflow, process, culture, and systems that enhance the productivity of the whole organization. To further observe about Digital Transformation sector, CCI France Myanmar will be hosting an event: “Current Trends in Digital Transformation” on Tuesday 18 Oct 2022 as your breakfast talk.

Professor Dr. Tun Thura Thet, Founder and CEO from MIT will be the main speaker of the event and he will be presenting the current moves in the sector and sharing his expertise in Digital Transformation.

This event is open to both members and non-members and it is suitable for everyone who want to gain a better understanding of current digital technologies and to optimize the approach of digital transformation in their workplace.

Members: MMK 25,000
Non-Members: MMK 40,000

please note that the individual payment will be collected in advance only and registration is mandatory. Payment can be made by emailing:

Spearker: Dr. Tun Thura Thet
Founder & CEO, Myanmar Information Technology Pte Ltd
Vice Chairman, Myanmar Computer Federation

Dr Tun Thura Thet is the founder of Myanmar Information Technology Pte Ltd, the leading software development and System Integration Company in Myanmar. MIT is the market leader for ICT services in banking sector, retail sector, hospitality sector, healthcare sector and in digital innovation. MIT is the ASEAN Business Award winner for e-ASEAN sector in 2015 and ASOCIO 2018 Outstanding ICT Company Award. He is also a co-founder and director of Myanmar ICT Development Corporation, the MICT Park. He is the Vice Chairman of Myanmar Computer Federation (MCF), the federation of computer industry, professionals and other related associations.

  • Experienced business executive and tech entrepreneur in Digital Innovation, Fintech and Enterprise Solutions.
  • Balanced academic and industrial experience in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, data science, cloud and mobile application development. Academic publications related to sentiment analysis using machine learning and NLP methods.
  • Elected member of non-government and professional federations, associations, and organizations. Promotor of Digital Economy development, Industry 4.0, and tech startup ecosystem in Myanmar.
  • The Special guest speaker at the NTU Convocation 2015 and the recipient of NTU Alumni Achievement Award 2021, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  • Visiting Lecturer at Yangon University of Economics and University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Ministry of Education, Myanmar