Digital Marketing training

Digital Marketing training
CCI France Myanmar
250.00 for member 350.00 for non-member
Training Date
13 mai, 2019
9:00 AM

To orientate economic actions and win market shares implies an efficient environment analysis that considers strategic elements and shows up opportunities in a clear and structured business plan. If you are part of the marketing service or a self-made entrepreneur, this training is for you! 

  • Dates: Mondays 13th, 20th, 27th May and 3rd June
  • Time: 9 AM to 12 PM- 1 PM to 4 PM (6 h/day)
  • Venue: CCI France Myanmar


  • Principals of Digital Marketing
  • Planning your content
  • Dealing with content and feedback
  • Facebook Management

Attendees must bring a laptop or large tablet during training

Who should attend?

  • Any person in charge of the marketing analysis and definition of business plans.
  • Any person who has to enforce strategic actions.
  • Any person in charge of developing online shopping, of developing the business of the company online, of planning the strategy and the communication, of finding new targets…
  • Any entrepreneur in charge of their own company or start-up.


Certification: Will be delivered after completion of the training and only in case of perfect attendance, during a graduation ceremony which date will be announced in further notice.

Name Size Type
digital_marketing_-_brochure.pdf 423.34 KB pdf