French-ANZ Business Days

French-ANZ Business Days
10 - 13 novembre 2020
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Following the outstanding success of the 2019 edition, the Business Forum is back this year, in a brand new format called the French Australian New Zealand Business Days. Designed from the ground up as a hybrid event, the French ANZ Business Days will run both online and in person featuring a series of rendez-vous throughout 4 days. This event is free and opened to everyone.


We are happy to announce that this year's theme will be: Shaping Attractive Cities.


This timely and exciting topic will be explored through a curated program comprising more than 70 multi-channel rendez-vous (panel discussions, interviews, keynotes, site visits, networking evenings...). It will bring together more than 85 key speakers from Government, Senior Academic circles and pioneering French and international companies. Get ready to listen to our experts and discover some of the best practices making our cities attractive and livable.


The event will be hosted on the innovative vFairs platform. This will help us deliver a qualitative and intuitive experience to all the participants as they will be immersed in a virtual exhibition centre with many features, as if you were in a physical event.


Get a sneak peek at the program and secure your seat!



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presentation-fabw-2020-facci.pdf 1.69 MB pdf