French Fair

French Fair
01 - 15 août 2019
9:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Market Place 6.5 mile
0.00 USD for member 0.00 USD for non-member

For the first time in Myanmar, CCI France Myanmar organizes a French Fair, in collaboration with City Mart Holiding Limited and sponsored by Bioderma.

The event takes place from 1st to 15th August 2019 at the two following locations:

  • Marketplace Golden Valley, located on Dhammazedi Road
  • Marketplace 6.5 miles, located on Pyay Road, at 6.5 miles

During all the French Fair, a small French Market will be set up at both Marketplace, with one booth for each company, in order to promote the French brands participating in the operation: Annam Group, Arc International, Bioderma, Cellar Door, Garnier, L'Oreal and Tefal.

Come and enjoy discounts on French products distributed at CMHL! 
