How to micromanage in Myanmar?

How to micromanage in Myanmar?
23 juillet 2020
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
0.00 USD for member 0.00 USD for non-member

Micromanagement is widely perceived to be bad. Bad for employees. Bad for productivity. Eventually bad for the organization.

Managers, especially new ones, have the temptation to check and control every piece of work produced by their team, often frequently adding their own inputs and constantly changing the final outputs. This usually shows a lack of trust and incapability to delegate. But works needs to get done, and some managers may struggle to find the right balance between being involved in the small details and delegating, to ensure that deadlines are met with the quality expected.

In this webinar, we will start by explaining what is micromanagement and what are its negative impacts. Then, we will describe which areas managers need to focus, even if this means micromanaging, to build the autonomy of the team.

Eventually, we will share a few thoughts about micromanagement in today's context.

This webinar will go through :

  • The negative impact of micromanagement
  • How to fix (most of) it
  • How to leverage micromanagement in the Myanmar context
  • Tips and thoughts: Impact from WFH, how to manage your boss if he/she is a micromanager
  • Examples from Phandeeyar experience
  • Q&A

Patrick Romanet (Chief Commercial Officer of Phandeeyar Labs)

With a master degree in Business, Patrick started his career in Consulting in a leading tech firm, he later joined an automotive company to run some of their strategic IS projects and applications. 6 years ago, he decided to come and settle in Asia, Malaysia first, then Myanmar where he eventually became Phandeeyar's COO. Today, through Phandeeyar Labs, Patrick took on the mission to support the country’s private sector through digital transformation, build up the pool of tech talent in the country, and organize events and experiences that gather people around technology.

He deployed OKRs at Phandeeyar in 2016 while building Phandeeyar's HR processes. Since then, he has been evangelizing OKRs to everyone he knows.

Soe Thiha (Entrepreneur in Residence & Startup Coach at Phandeeyar)

With a passion and keen interest in technology, Soe Thiha started his entrepreneurship journey during his bachelor studies at NUS where he took up a minor in technology entrepreneurship. While doing his Masters in Sweden, he worked remotely as a cloud integrator for a Silicon Valley-based firm. After coming back to Myanmar, he founded two tech startups. Later he got involved in a few initiatives to gain more insights about the startup ecosystem in Yangon. Now, inspired by his startup coach from MaGIC accelerator program based in Malaysia, he has joined Phandeeyar Accelerator to support up-and-coming tech startups.
