WHAT'S UP? - Online cross-sector networking

WHAT'S UP? - Online cross-sector networking
27 octobre 2021
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
0.00 USD for member

Following the success of the 1st edition, CCI France Myanmar is organizing 2nd edition of What's up event.

What is “What’s up?” 

  • Members only event / Free of charge 

  • Venue: Zoom meeting. 

  • Duration: 1 hour. 

  • Size: 10 participants maximum / 1 representative per sector maximum. 

  • Concept: Each participant MUST speak 3-5 minutes max. to present what is going on in their sector, followed by short Q&A. 

  • Confidentiality: Chatham House Rule applies. No recording, no minutes and mutual trust. 

  • Registration: First arrived, first-served, with a rotation. If there is already one person from your sector registered, you will have to register for the next event to participate.