CB Bank

CB Bank

No. 46, UFC (Union Financial Center) - Tower A & B, Corner of MahaBandoola Road & Thein Phyu Road, Botahtaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar

+95 1 231 777 0
Banking And Finance

CB Bank is one of the largest commercial banks in Myanmar, providing a wide range of products and services to our retail, SME, and corporate customers. Our offerings include cash management solutions, trade finance and international payment services, treasury services, e-commerce solutions, long-term and short-term financing, supply chain financing, as well as working capital financing. With over three decades of experience in helping businesses grow, our clientele spans various industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications, hotels & tourism, FMCG, real estate and construction, energy, and other sectors.

Key facts & figures
  • 8000+ Employees
  • Over 2.2 million customers
  • 3200+ CB Pay Agents
  • 245+ Branches