Future challenges in Human Resources

Future challenges in Human Resources
14 February 2019
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
CCI France Myanmar
0.00 USD for member 20.00 USD for non-member

The constant increase of digitalisation will shape the working environment in every company within the next years. The aspect leads to the question: “What are the Challenges HR professionals will be facing in their effort to become a good Business Partner?”

Laura Cho is a well-experienced HR professional with over ten years experiences and passionate in people development. She has worked in multinational companies and currently based in Hong Kong working as a Regional Manager at Jardine Schindler Group. She has broad experiences in Human Resources Management, Talent Management, Talent Attraction and Learning & Development running Leadership courses and Apprenticeship programs.

She is also a Founder and a Career Coach at www.laurachointernational.com helping millennials build a successful career with her HR expertise. She shares career knowledge on online platforms such as LinkedIn and Laura Cho Facebook page, journals and public seminars. She is eager to invest her time to share and develop young people volunteering to mentor rising stars in Wedu Global mentorship program.