CCI France Myanmar launches new e-services to better support your business

CCI France Myanmar launches new e-services to better support your business

The Covid-19 pandemic is already starting to have a negative impact on the world economy, in addition to its tragic human cost. As always during a crisis, adaptation will be the best solution to strengthen the resilience of your company and to find new opportunities to bounce back.

Here are the new e-services that we are offering you:

  • Webinars – We will resume our networking events, as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you need to stay informed, which is why we are organizing webinars to share the latest updates on the situation or on your sector. Check our calendar of webinars here.

  • Online training – Remote working shakes up your HR process, but it also offers flexibility. The spare time that your team doesn’t spend in traffic can be used to improve their skills. This is why we are organizing online training, before organizing on-site training again. Check our calendar of online training here.

  • Slack workspace – Networking is vital for your business. This is why we have launched a Slack workspace for our Members, where you can message or call other Members directly. You can also share information, promote your services and stay informed. We are also sharing press reviews, links to calls for tenders, recordings of webinars, and so on… So, join our e-Community now, stay connected and continue developing your activity online. Contact our team for more information.

  • E-prospecting mission – You are stuck outside of Myanmar but wish to prospect this market? Now, the current situation prevents you from coming, but that doesn’t mean that you have to put everything on hold. We are at your service, on the grounds, to organize everything for your remotely, including online meetings with target companies in Myanmar. Click here for more information on our e-prospecting mission.

  • COVID-19 Collaborative platform – This platform aims to help the Business community in getting solutions for their needs, and for companies to offer their services. The platform allows seekers and providers to meet through a business matching service operated by the French Chamber Team. Click here to access to the platform.

We will continue to offer you these services even when the crisis is passed.

And soon, you will have access again to our regular business services helping you to develop your activity in Myanmar at an affordable cost:

  • Recruitment and wage portage, to find and legally employ your business development team in Myanmar, without having to register your company
  • Office renting and virtual domiciliation, to set up your business address in our business centre, with our ready-to-use, all inclusive, flexible packages
  • Corporate training, to improve the skills of your team on specific topics on your premises and according to your own schedule
  • And, of course, networking events, advice and council, business intelligence, and so on…

So, if you wish to anticipate the “after crisis” while remaining at home, please contact our Business & Marketing Manager to know more about our e-services: