Statement on Myanmar by AustCham Myanmar, British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar, CCI France Myanmar, New Zealand Myanmar Chamber of Commerce

Statement on Myanmar by AustCham Myanmar, British Chamber of Commerce Myanmar, CCI France Myanmar, New Zealand Myanmar Chamber of Commerce

As friends of Myanmar, we share grave concern and sadness that the situation across Myanmar continues to deteriorate. We join with other Business Chambers and Associations, Non-Government and Civil Society Organisations, Foreign Embassies and Governments, Companies, the Myanmar people and the global community to condemn and call for an end to the killing and violence against the Myanmar people.

We condemn the arbitrary detention of Myanmar and foreign nationals. We call for the release of those arbitrarily detained.

As representative organisations of many foreign and Myanmar businesses, we have long supported the reform process and Myanmar’s transition to an open, peaceful and prosperous country. We have championed the cause of responsible business and sustainable investment. We contributed to both the private and public sectors. Through the investments of our members and our Chamber programs, we believe that we have provided the Myanmar people with access to greater opportunities and prosperity.

Significant progress had been made. Now, amidst violence and a potential economic collapse, we risk losing over a decade of achievements realised together through a committed and collaborative partnership between public, private and development sectors. .

The current conditions of instability and disruption cause great concern for the safety of the Myanmar people, our members and their employees. Business operations have also become extremely challenging, particularly disruptions to internet services. We all rely on internet, and without it many basic services cannot be provided to millions of Myanmar citizens. Without a swift and peaceful resolution to the situation, it will be extremely difficult for responsible businesses to consider making additional investments in Myanmar.

We reiterate our call for an end to violence, and we call for constructive dialogue with all stakeholders to bring peace and democracy.


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