Networking Cocktail
2019-10-23 | Networking Cocktail | A bar
KoCham Myanmar and CCI France Myanmar have the pleasure to invite you to their first joint networking party at A bar - Golden City Business Center... more
2019-09-24 | Networking Cocktail | Rosewood Yangon
Alongside with The British Chamber of Commerce, CCI France Myanmar, EuroCham Myanmar, Chamber of Commerce Italia Myanmar, Myanmar Norway Business... more
2019-09-05 | Networking Cocktail | Melia Yangon
Myanmar Malaysia Business Chamber, Singapore Association in Myanmar, Thai Business Association in Myanmar and CCI... more
2019-08-22 | Networking Cocktail | The Penthouse
We are sorry to inform that our registration for this event is now closed.
Myanmar Young Entrepreneurs Association (MYEA) and CCI France Myanmar... more