About Us

Who we are

CCI France Myanmar is the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry based in Yangon.

We are a local and 100% self-financed non-profit organization, whose objective is to develop economic relations between France and Myanmar, and to offer services to support the development of our Members’ business.

In addition, we are a member of CCI France International network, which brings together 124 French Chambers in 94 countries, thus supporting 37,000+ companies worldwide.

Finally, we also work closely with other Chambers of Commerce and with French institutions in Myanmar, such as the French Embassy, Business France, the French Foreign Trade Counsellors (CCEF), the French Development Agency (AFD),...

Brief Chronology
  • 1996 - The French Business Association is established in Myanmar
  • 2004 - The French Business Association becomes Association France Myanmar des Affaires (AFMA)
  • 2013 - AFMA becomes an official member of CCI France International (Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industries Overseas)
  • 2014 - AFMA becomes CCI France Myanmar (FMCCI, the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
  • 2015 - CCI France Myanmar welcomes its 100th Member
  • 2017 - CCI France Myanmar signs an MoU with UMFCCI, and is awarded the 2017 APAC Small Chamber Award by the International Chamber of Commerce and the 2017 Best Performing Chamber by CCI France International
  • 2018 - CCI France Myanmar launches the "Myanmar Young Entrepreneurs Awards" for the first time to support the business community in Myanmar.
  • 2019 - CCI France Myanmar launches "Come to Myanmar Video Competition" to promote local tourism in Myanmar.

CCI France Myanmar this is:


Western Chamber of Commerce registered in Myanmar

+25 years

of experiences in Myanmar

+70 members

31% French, 51% Myanmar, 18% other


companies supported every year


business events & trainings per year


employees at your service

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Trainings