Start a Company in Myanmar


The Myanmar Company Law allows to easily incorporate a company in Myanmar: no minimum capital, one shareholder, one Director, one document only (Company's Consitution) and an online registration process. It also allows foreign investors to hold up to 35% of shares in a domestic company, to set up joint ventures with local partners, or to register a 100% foreign-owned company.

Yet, it also imposes some restrictions: no company or entity is allowed to do business in Myanmar without being registered, the Director must be a resident in Myanmar and the company must have an address in Myanmar.

In this context, CCI France Myanmar offers you a wide range of services to facilitate the creation of your company in Myanmar:

  • Legal and economic information for you to prepare your project in the best conditions
  • B2B/matchmaking meetings for you to find the best local partner
  • Office leasing in our Business Centre for you to start at small cost
  • Virtual domiciliation to provide you with a prestigious business address in Myanmar
  • Wage portage/umbrella contract to carry the contract of your Director in Myanmar
  • Recruitment services to help you find the best Director or Country Representative in Myanmar
  • Sales Representation service
  • Hosting and coaching of VIE/local employee

Please email us at to see how our team can assist you in setting up your business in Myanmar.

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