Joint Networking Cocktail with LinkedIn Local

Joint Networking Cocktail with LinkedIn Local
28 September 2018
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Novotel Yangon Max
20.00 USD for member 30.00 USD for non-member

The future of work in Myanmar is now. 

As with the rest of the world, the nature of work in Myanmar will change at an accelerating pace, whether we like it or not and whether we're ready or not.

CCI France Myanmar is partnering with LinkedIn Local Yangon to organize a networking cocktail that will give way to a discussion on how HR and L&D Leaders can prepare their workforce for the future.

We will first focus on Myanmar's current issues in order to understand the different angles and the Myanmar contexts and current initiatives including HR Leadership, working conditions, inclusions and diversity, amongst others.

Come and join us on Friday 28th August at Time Out Sports Bar!

Fees include 2 drinks and pass-around canapes
