181, Bo Myat Htun Street, Botahtaung Tsp, Yangon

+951 299797
Healthcare, Education, Industrial Automation, and Didactic

SEA LION, established in 1997, is a trusted partner of over 50 multinational corporations in healthcare, technical and vocational education and training, industrial automation, and information technology. Sea Lion’s global partners include IBM, GE, Johnson and Johnson, Medtronic, BD, 3M, and Festo. SEA LION has been partnered with Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PLC (BDMS), Thailand’s leading premier healthcare group, since 2002 and become the most comprehensive medical tourism service in Myanmar. SEA LION and N Health Asia, a wholly owned subsidiary of BDMS, joined forces in the year 2015 to establish a quality clinical laboratory in Yangon.

Our subsidiaries - Option Endoscopy Centre and Bahosi Fertility Centre in Yangon and Aryu Thukha Multi-specialty Clinic in Mandalay are renowned healthcare providers in Myanmar.

The SEA LION Distribution Solutions Centre opened in 2019 is designed to comply with regional and international regulations and has the most modern infrastructure including climate controlled warehousing.

Key facts & figures

- SEA LION received 2015 Emerging Market Healthcare Leadership Award by the World Medical Tourism Association in Orlando, Florida, USA on September 27, 2015.
- SEA LION received ASEAN Business Awards 2019 ASEAN Winner - Skills Development (Large-Tier) by the ASEAN Business Advisory Council in Bangkok, Thailand on November 2, 2019.


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