Yangoods (Creative Access)

No.8, Khattar Street, Thiri Khay Mar Ward, Sanchaung Township, Yangon
Retail - Distribution Presentation
Yangoods is a pioneering Myanmar brand that set out to rejuvenate Burmese design. We carry on the traditions and iconic art from Myanmar by blending the land’s unique culture with 21st century sensibilities. We offer an ever-expending product line ranging from fashion accessories, decors to memorable gifts for resident cultural/fashion enthusiasts to business seeking quality bespoke items. Supported by an active fan base, Yangoods takes inspiration from the land, giving them a touch of 21st century. Setting up a high quality standard, the team shares this unique Myanmar experience to the world.
Key facts & figures
- 7 boutiques in Yangon, Bagan and Mandalay with over 22 consignments in major cities, resorts and luxury cruises plus online community on social media channels
- Developed over 70 B2B partnerships and contracts
- Over 1,000 products including 50 canvas designs
- Expanded to Thailand and Switzerland